F7-co Focus: Synchrotron and x-ray free electron laser studies of condensed matter
Room 201 2017-10-26 (Thu) 16:00-18:00
Chair 송창용 포항공대

Presentation No. Time Presenter Title
F7.01 2017-10-26 16:00 ~ 16:24 Byoung-ick Cho

Investigation of femtosecond XFEL interaction with matter using x-ray spectroscopic techniques

F7.02 2017-10-26 16:24 ~ 16:48 Jin-Seok Chung

Structural analysis using focused X-ray beam – X-ray microdiffraction

F7.03 2017-10-26 16:48 ~ 17:12 CHUNG Jinwook

Band gap control of MoS2 by using K+ ions

F7.04 2017-10-26 17:12 ~ 17:36 HWANG Choongyu

Electron-electron interaction in graphene studied using a synchrotron source

F7.05 2017-10-26 17:36 ~ 17:48 이수용

Upgrade of the coherent x-ray scattering beamline (9C) at PLS-II

F7.06 2017-10-26 17:48 ~ 18:00 CHO Dohyung

Measurement on spatial coherence in hard x-ray free electron laser apart from the intensity noise and its dependance on the focusing process.