D9-co Focus: Strongly correlated electron system: quantum material property in 4d/5d transition-metal oxides II
Room 203 2017-10-26 (Thu) 11:00-12:36
Chair 김창영 서울대-IBS

Presentation No. Time Presenter Title
D9.01 2017-10-26 11:00 ~ 11:36 Bumjoon Kim

[No-show] Higgs Mode and its Decay in the Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnet Ca2RuO4

D9.02 2017-10-26 11:36 ~ 12:12 Lee Kwan-Woo

Spin-Orbit Coupling and Correlation in Osmates

D9.03 2017-10-26 12:12 ~ 12:36 박진홍

Nonsymmorphic symmetry induced-instability and the nature of magnetism in Sr2IrO4