D10-op THz & Nanophotonics
Room 204 2017-10-26 (Thu) 11:00-12:36
Chair 최재윤 KAIST

Presentation No. Time Presenter Title
D10.01 2017-10-26 11:00 ~ 11:24 김명환

Optical modulators based on graphene surface plasmons and an epsilon-near-zero effect

D10.02 2017-10-26 11:24 ~ 11:48 BAHK Young-Mi

Light matter interaction enhanced by metallic nanostructures

D10.03 2017-10-26 11:48 ~ 12:12 SEO Minah

Ultrasensitive Terahertz Molecule Sensor Using Nano-metamaterials

D10.04 2017-10-26 12:12 ~ 12:24 강봉주

Extremely Large Nonlinear Optical Benzothiazolium Crystals for Efficient Broadband THz Wave Generation

D10.05 2017-10-26 12:24 ~ 12:36 이상훈

Terahertz optical characterization of DNA hybridized graphene using nano metamaterials